Orange juice is considered the most refreshing beverage and the go-to drink when you need a good supply of vitamin C. However, this does not apply to people with diabetes because of a high sugar content in orange juices. It means that drinking orange juice can significantly impact your blood glucose levels.

One serving of orange juice equates to 115 calories. For people with diabetes, this is risky! It is even more harmful to them as some essential nutrients are absent, including protein, dietary fiber, and healthy fat. The absence of these nutrients makes managing blood sugar levels a complex undertaking.

Glycemic index

On a scale of 100, its GI score of oranges can range between 66 and 76. Since this score is high, it can severely impact your blood sugar. Furthermore, it can increase your risk of having several episodes of diabetes attacks.

Hypoglycemia treatment

Hypoglycemia refers to the condition associated with a drop in the blood sugar level. Treating such a condition involves increasing blood sugar levels. And having to consume orange juice resolves the concern. The high sugar content of orange juice treats low blood sugar, enabling your sugar levels to be stable and steady.

Always check your blood sugar levels every 10 – 15 minutes after drinking orange juice. If the sugar levels are still low, you can drink again in moderation under medical supervision.

What you need to do

If you are eating any food or juices with a high glycemic index, ensure you complement them with food rich in fiber and protein. However, it is still best to avoid them to safeguard your health, especially if your diabetes is uncontrollable.

There are other fruits that you can enjoy without the concern of having high blood sugar levels. You can always replace oranges with cherries, plums, and berries. Besides the high fiber content of these fruits, they are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that keep diabetes in control.

Doctor’s Recommendation

Whole oranges can help stabilize blood sugar due to their low glycemic index (GI), fiber, and nutrients. Oranges’ vitamins and antioxidants may reduce inflammation, heart disease risk, and oxidative stress linked to high blood sugar levels.

For better health, it’s generally advised to choose whole oranges over orange juice.