What is PCOS?

Also known as polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS refers to a condition where the hormonal state of women is being impaired in their reproductive age. The condition involves infrequent menstrual periods and sometimes prolonged menstrual cycles. It is also considered as the main cause of type 2 diabetes and heart disease acquisition.

Symptoms of PCOS

  • Excess androgen (male hormones)
  • Polycystic ovaries (enlargement of the ovaries)
  • Irregular periods (impaired or damaged cycle of menstruation)

There is no known cause of PCOS; however, medical experts have arrived at a conclusion that is triggered by excess insulin. This phenomenon occurs when the body cells fail to increase their sensitivity towards insulin supply. As a result, the blood sugar levels increase and the pancreas abnormally produces more of the said hormone.

What is insulin resistance?

After consuming your daily supply of food, the production of insulin inside the body increases. It works by converting the sugar from the food we eat into energy that the body needs for our daily activities. If this process is not interrupted, both the levels of the body’s blood glucose and insulin production will remain balanced and controlled.

However, if insulin resistance happens, the amount of insulin within the body is drastically high. Since insulin is not used properly, the pancreas will struggle to produce more insulin. Note that when there is too much of this hormone active within the body, episodes of inflammation, as well as rapid weight gain, can happen.

This occurrence will only trigger heart disease. Add to that the development of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, it is believed to bring about polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS.

What is the link between these two conditions?

Most of the individuals diagnosed with PCOS are also experiencing insulin resistance. It is one of the major symptoms of PCOS associated with the physiological disorder. In other words, insulin resistance can trigger if PCOS is also existent. Other than PCOS, it can also impair the ovulation process of women.

Since PCOS is highly associated with insulin resistance, it can also lead to obesity. Some people often experience weight gain, which means that blood sugar levels are also in their abnormal state. The way to confirm such a condition is by having a blood test and receiving the necessary medical treatment.

Doctor’s Recommendation

If PCOS is suspected based on symptoms or a diagnosis in a first-degree relative, one should visit a PCP or OB-GYN specialist for a formal diagnosis using the Rotterdam criteria. PCOS is diagnosed if 2 out of the 3 following criteria are present:

  1. No ovulation (assuming menarche was present) or irregular ovulation (greater than 25 days apart).
  2. Blood test showing high androgens or clinical signs such as hirsutism.
  3. Polycystic ovaries observed on an ultrasound.

Once PCOS is diagnosed, the primary lifestyle risk factor of obesity should be addressed. This involves increasing cardiovascular exercise and limiting carbohydrate intake, potentially following a ketogenic diet.

The most important pharmacological intervention is Metformin. Additionally, oral contraceptives can be prescribed to decrease circulating androgens by increasing sex hormone-binding globulin, which binds testosterone-like molecules. A PCP may also discuss further pharmacological options to reduce hirsutism and facilitate pregnancy.