Metformin, a well-known diabetes medication, has shown promise in cancer treatment due to its ability to target multiple pathways. Here’s how Metformin combats cancer:

  • Suppressing Cell Cycle Activators: Metformin inhibits key proteins that promote cancer cell growth.
  • Inducing Mitochondrial Stress: It causes stress in cancer cells that leads to their death, while sparing healthy cells.
  • Promoting Cellular Senescence: Through epigenetic changes, Metformin favors aging of cells over uncontrolled growth.

In this article, we’ll focus on how Metformin modulates the immune system to slow down cancer development.

How Metformin Boosts the Immune System Against Cancer

Research shows that Metformin can stimulate CD8-positive T cells, which are crucial in fighting breast cancer. It does this by inhibiting the NF-κB signaling pathway. When this pathway is blocked, certain immune cells called macrophages can better identify and attack cancer cells. Metformin has also been found to improve outcomes in squamous cell carcinoma by inactivating the JAK-STAT pathway.

Metformin’s Multiple Mechanisms

Metformin works through several key mechanisms:

  1. Entry into Cells: Metformin enters cells through the OCT1 channel.
  2. Inhibiting Growth Pathways: It blocks pathways like Interleukin 6 Receptor, NF-κB, and PI3K, which are involved in cancer cell proliferation.
  3. Modulating JAK-STAT Pathway: Though not fully understood, Metformin’s impact on the JAK-STAT pathway contributes to its anti-cancer effects.

Why Metformin’s Multi-Pathway Approach is Effective

Unlike many cancer treatments that target a single protein, Metformin’s ability to affect multiple pathways is beneficial. Cancer cells are human cells with mutations, making them hard to target without harming healthy cells. Traditional chemotherapy often has severe side effects because it targets these human cells indiscriminately.

Metformin’s approach, however, involves mild effects on several pathways, reducing side effects while still delivering a powerful therapeutic effect. This is similar to multimodal pain relief, where a combination of medications provides effective treatment without overwhelming the body.

The Potential of Metformin in Cancer Treatment

Metformin’s ability to modulate the immune system and target multiple cancer pathways makes it a promising anti-cancer agent. Its balanced approach, affecting numerous mechanisms with minimal side effects, offers hope for more effective and less harmful cancer treatments.