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Accu-Chek Aviva Test Strips Recall 2018 Alert

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In case you missed it, Roche announced a batch of lot numbers of Accu-Chek Aviva Test Strips  ordered to be recalled. Test strips under those lot numbers can report erroeneous measurements Roche said. Why does this matter to you? Well, erroneous measurements can end up guiding temper with the dosages of diabetic medications you plan to take.

Here is the exact wording of Roche’s notice:

“Important information regarding Accu-Chek Aviva Plus test strips with lot numbers 496947, 497291, 497296 and 497325: These affected test strips show an increased potential for strip errors prior to applying blood sample, strips not detected once inserted, or in a very limited number of cases, an inaccurate result may occur, which may not be detectable. Discontinue use of strips from these lot numbers and follow all instructions in the link below.”

What is a lot number and where to find it?

It is a number on the packaging of your medication used for inventory purposes by the manufacturer. It is very easy for you to find it. On the box of your Accu-Chek Aviva Test Strips, the lot number is located on the top of the box and also on the bottle containing your strips. The image at the top of this article shows you where to find the lot number and see if the your strips fall under the lot numbers ordered for recall.

What to do if your Accu Chek Aviva Test Strips are ordered for recall?

The first thing you should do is to stop using your test strips, as they do not offer you reliable measures and can affect your treatment.

How to get your Accu Chek Aviva Test Strips replaced if sent for recall?

You can order a replacement by email or online.

  1. Email: Send an email to with all the information outlined on ROCHE’s announcement, including your name, mailing adress, phone number, lot number on your test strips and how many strip vials to replace.
  2. You can also sumbit a replacement request online at:

What Accu Chek Aviva Test Strips were ordered for recall?

There are two pack sizes of Accu Chek Aviva Test Strips ordered for recall, the 100 test strips pack and the 50 test strips pack. Both pack sizes fall under the type of products you should look out for. However, this issue does not concern all test strips by Accu Chek, only those under the mentioned lot numbers.

If you are looking to buy Accu Check Aviva Test Strips that do not fall under these set of problematic strips, you can find some good ones here. See prices on Accu-Check Aviva Test Strips. If you are looking for other alternatives, you can shop for more Diabetic Test Strips here. Besides Accu-Chek test strips, you can also buy other brands like Dario, OneTouch and others.

More information

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this community article are strictly for informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. This article, and other community articles, are not written or reviewed for medical validity by Canadian Insulin or its staff. All views and opinions expressed by the contributing authors are not endorsed by Canadian Insulin. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on June 1, 2018

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