What is Bydureon (Exenatide)?
Bydureon is a brand name of the drug exenatide. It is manufactured by AstraZeneca, a global biopharmaceutical company. It is a Type 2 diabetes medication that is taken once per week and uses an extended-release delivery system. The drug is used to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and is proven to lower A1C.
Bydureon and weight loss
Bydureon is not a weight loss drug. However, clinical studies have shown that weight loss is a common side effect. In clinical studies lasting 24 to 26 weeks, Bydureon helped patients lose an average of four to six pounds from a starting point of 193 to 213 pounds. In these studies, Bydureon was taken alone or with other Type 2 diabetes oral medicines. However, results varied by patient.
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