Victoza dosage

Victoza dosing will vary depending on different patients. This is because the blood glucose levels can be affected by illness, skipping meals, surgery, exercise, alcohol use, or stress. Note that your doctor may increase your dosage as needed, until your blood glucose levels is properly controlled. For adults who have type 2 diabetes, you are supposed to inject 0.6 mg of liraglutide under your skin, once per day for one week. This initial dose is supposed to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms, however, it is not effective in managing glycemic control. The maintenance dose is 1.2 mg which is injected subcutaneously once every day. If the glycemic control is not yet properly managed, your doctor will increase the dosage to 1.8 mg once every day. The maximum liraglutide dose is 1.8 mg which should be taken once every day. For children who have diabetes, the doses will be determined by the doctor.

Don’t use larger or smaller quantity of this medication than what is recommended by your doctor. Make sure you carefully follow the instructions on the prescription label. In case you missed your last dosing, you should take it as soon as you remember. Avoid taking a double dose to make up for the missed dosage. If it is time to take the missed dose and you missed the last one, you should skip the missed dosage and continue with your normal Victoza dosing. In case of a drug overdose, you should seek medical attention immediately.

How to inject Victoza?

Victoza comes in a prefilled injection pen. Your doctor will show you how to take liraglutide injections at home. Make sure you understand how this medication is supposed to be taken. Also, before you use the drug, allow it to warm at room temperature. Your healthcare provider will show you the best places to inject the medication in your body. Usually, it is taken by injecting it under the skin of your thigh, stomach, or upper arm. Make sure you use different places every time you are taking an injection. Victoza is normally given once every day. This remedy is usually injected under the skin, and can be taken anytime during the day, with or without food.

Doctor’s Recommendation

Assuming all contraindications have been cleared, children aged 10 and above should follow the same dose escalation schedule as adults. For children under age 10, as the medicine has not been tested in this age group, consulting a clinical pharmacologist is advised. Clinical pharmacologists specialize in dose adjustments for unusual circumstances and specific populations, ensuring safe and effective treatment. Additionally, it is prudent to clean the injection area thoroughly, even if the risk of infection is low, to eliminate any potential risks.

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this community article are strictly for informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. This article, and other community articles, are not written or reviewed for medical validity by Canadian Insulin or its staff. All views and opinions expressed by the contributing authors are not endorsed by Canadian Insulin. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.