What is Actos (Pioglitazone)?

Actos is an oral prescription medicine that is taken by type 2 diabetic people to help them control high amounts of blood glucose. The generic name of Actos is pioglitazone. Your doctor may prescribe this medication in combination with a proper exercise and diet program. Carefully follow your treatment plan as directed by your health-care provider. Changing your treatment plan, such as exercise and diet, can adversely affect your blood sugar levels. This drug can be used alone or in combination with other oral diabetes medicine such as metformin. Pioglitazone should not be used in type 1 diabetic people.

What is Actos used for?

As mentioned earlier, it is usually given to type II diabetic that are insulin resistant. This medication is used to improve the symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, fatigue and blurry vision. Furthermore, by taking this drug, severe side effects and potentially life-threatening complications can be delayed and even prevented; for example, blindness, kidney damage, loss of limbs and sexual dysfunction issues. Managing diabetes with medication like this can also lower the chance of heart attack and stroke. Actos offers a number of advantages to the patients taking it ,and it has benefited many people with type II diabetes. It may be used alone or in combination with other medication like Metformin or sulfonylurea if necessary for blood sugar levels to be controlled effectively.

How does this drug work?

This medication treats high blood glucose levels by making the body more sensitive to insulin. Insulin resistance may be an indication that the body is having challenges using glucose, which can be an indication of other health issues, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Actos works by making the body cells more sensitive to the effects of insulin. The medication helps the body’s cells to allow insulin to do its work, so blood sugar levels will go down as the cells use glucose with insulin use.

For the drug to work effectively, diet as well as exercise are critical and should be part of the diabetes management. In some cases, diabetes patients face obesity issues or are overweight. Engaging in physical activity is a good, natural way to decrease insulin resistance and lose weight. As you exercise, the body becomes more sensitive to insulin and muscle is gained, or built, which may absorb even more blood sugar. Exercises create an alternative way for blood sugar to get into the muscles with the absence of insulin. As a result, the cells’ dependency on insulin to be able to use the energy from sugar is decreased. Although the mechanism of action for this medication does not affect or lower insulin resistance, it helps individuals who are insulin resistant control blood sugar levels more easily. For the best results, a combination of exercises is advisable, like walking, dancing, weight lifting, and yoga. Remember, before embarking on any changes in routine physical activity, inform your doctor. Do not forget to drink extra fluids during prolonged exercise to stay hydrated, check blood sugar before as well as after physical activity, and have a snack or glucose tablets ready if your blood glucose level becomes low.

Healthy eating is important as well if you are diabetic. The guidelines to following a healthy diet usually include eating foods rich in nutrients but low in calories; you should should consume fruits, vegetables, and whole grains if you are diabetic. For more information on a healthy diet that suits your tastes, preferences, and budget, you can contact a dietitian. As you exercise and diet, extra pounds are lost, insulin resistance is greatly lowered, blood pressure is lowered, stress is reduced and the risk of heart disease drops.

When and how to take Pioglitazone

These tablets are taken once daily, preferably at the same time of day, or as directed by the health care provider, to maintain blood sugar levels within the targeted range. The drug can be taken with or without food. Swallow the tablet with a glass of water. Always ensure you adhere to your physician’s instructions on how and when to take the drug.


Plioglitazone should be stored at room temperature in a container that is tightly closed andmoisture cannot get in. This is because moisture can destroy the drug efficacy. Make sure the temperature stays below 25 degrees Celsius and the tablets are kept in a cool dry place. Pioglitazone should be kept from the reach of children, preferably in a locked cupboard.

Who is suitable to take this medication?

Pioglitazone is suitable for adults with type 2 diabetes, especially diabetic patients who are overweight and cannot control blood glucose levels through exercise and diet. This medication is designed to be used with a healthy, balanced diet and exercise, or in combination with insulin to treat type 2 diabetes.

Who should avoid this medicine?

Patients with type 1 diabetes should avoid actos. If you are suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, you should not use this medicine. Patients who are allergic to pioglitazone or any ingredients used in the drug should not take it for treatment.

This medicine should not be used by people who have a history with severe heart problems or liver problems. In case you suffered from any of these diseases in the past, you should contact your doctor for help. It is not yet known whether taking this medication during pregnancy can be harmful to your unborn baby. Therefore, if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, you should not take this medication without informing your doctor.

How do you tell if the drug is working?

For you to know if pioglitazone is working, you will need to check your blood sugar levels at times specified by your doctor. If your A1C or glucose is within the desired or target range, then it is a sign that this drug is working. In case your glucose is not within the desired range, you may need to review the type and amount of food you take, or whether you forgot to take your prescribed dose of medicine. If your blood sugar remains high after taking this drug, you should call your doctor for advice.

Doctor’s Recommendation

Pioglitazone is rarely given during pregnancy, although it is not strictly contraindicated. Either insulin or metformin is recommended.

You can check Pioglitazone prices at canadianinsulin.com


Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this community article are strictly for informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. This article, and other community articles, are not written or reviewed for medical validity by Canadian Insulin or its staff. All views and opinions expressed by the contributing authors are not endorsed by Canadian Insulin. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.