What is Byetta?

Also known by its generic name Exenatide, Byetta is another form of diabetes medication used in assisting the pancreas stimulate and produce more insulin necessary for the body to control its blood sugar levels. This medicine works efficiently and effectively as long as it is combined with the proper diet and constant exercise. The drug is administered by injecting it into the skin.

Before being prescribed this medicine, there are certain factors that a healthcare professional needs to assess if Byetta is safe for patients to consume. Some of these factors include the weight, age, and medical history of diabetic patients. Other than these, the patient will also ensure that he/she doesn’t have the following to guarantee a safe Byetta consumption:

  • Kidney transplant
  • Slow digestion or indigestion
  • Pancreatitis
  • Gall stones

One of the major side effects of consuming Byetta is pancreatitis. It is a type of medical condition that refers to the inflammation of the pancreas. The main function of the pancreas is to help in the digestion process of the body by producing enough proteins, such as enzymes. Aside from this function, it also helps in administering the glucose production of the body.

Pancreatitis is classified as both acute and chronic. If someone is diagnosed with the acute type, the condition will likely last for only a few days. Meanwhile, if it is chronic, the condition can happen for many years. There are treatment options for pancreatitis, but if the condition becomes so severe, different health complications can emerge.

Its symptoms and signs include:

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Rapid weight loss

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Byetta is the main triggering factor of pancreatitis. There have been several reports about diabetic people hospitalized because of consuming Byetta, causing mild or severe inflammation in the pancreas. The common symptoms people experience are severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. While these reports can be frightening, the details only include acute cases. Acute pancreatitis is subject to medicinal treatment.

Along with this information, doctors are advised not to prescribe Byetta to diabetic patients having active pancreatitis. Aside from worsening the condition, it will also trigger other health complications. It means not only treating one condition but two or more health complications.

The Food and Drugs Administration also ensures that the major manufacturing company of Byetta will include information about pancreatitis on the medicine’s label. Furthermore, for individuals who have been taking this medication, make sure that you are keen enough to observe any adverse reactions you experience at some point and report such an occurrence to your physician immediately.