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Type 1 Diabetes Articles

Type 1 Diabetes
Over the Counter Insulin

Many people with diabetes may find themselves in a situation where their insulin prescription is running low or has ran out altogether. In this scenario, it is important to be able to…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Novolog Vs. Regular Insulin

What is Novolog? There are many existing insulin options for regulating your blood sugar levels. Novolog—the brand name for insulin aspart—is a popular insulin. It is a fast-acting insulin marketed by…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Lantus During Pregnancy

Insulin Glargine (Lantus) Insulin is a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels. Insulin glargine is a popular synthetic version of this natural hormone that works for up to 24 hours…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin Degludec Vs. Insulin Glargine

What is insulin glargine? Insulin glargine, also known by the brand name Lantus, is a long-lasting basal insulin analog that is taken once per day to help control blood sugar levels…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin Shock: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is insulin shock? Insulin shock is a critical medical condition that requires immediate attention. It is a life-threatening situation where a person’s blood sugar levels drop to precariously low…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Lantus Insulin Overdose: Treatment and Symptoms

What is Lantus insulin? It is a long-acting insulin glargine injection used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus in adult and pediatric patients. A single dose per day of Lantus is enough…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin Signaling and Transduction Pathways

Insulin signaling and transduction pathways play a major role in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. All cells in the body are mainly fueled by glucose that is transported through blood…

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Type 1 Diabetes
Similarities Between NovoRapid vs NovoLog

What is NovoLog/NovoRapid? Insulin aspart is a rapid-acting insulin analog marketed as NovoLog/NovoRapid by Novo Nordisk. It is a synthetic type of insulin that has been modified to perform a certain task.…

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Type 1 Diabetes
What is the Humulin N Insulin Dosage?

Humulin N insulin is the market name for insulin isophane, or NPH insulin. It is an intermediate-acting form of insulin, which means that activity will typically start within 2 hours but…

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Insulin, Type 1
Does Lantus Insulin Cause Weight Gain?

What is Lantus insulin? It is the market name for insulin glargine, a long-acting insulin used to treat type 1 or 2 diabetes. Insulin glargine is seen to have a steady…

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Type 1 Diabetes
What is Insulin Degludec and What are the Brand Names?

What is insulin degludec? Insulin therapy is used to treat people with diabetes and comes in many different forms, as differentiated by many factors like the onset of action. Insulin…

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Type 1 Diabetes
How Do Insulin And Glucagon Regulate Blood Glucose Levels?

Insulin and glucagon work to help keep your blood glucose level under control. Both of these hormones are produced in the pancreas. Insulin, which helps to normalize a high level of…

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