Defining “Diabetic Dermopathy”

When the necessary medical care is not administered promptly, individuals who have been suffering from the massive impact of diabetes can experience a series of health complications. A serious illness associated with the condition is what known as diabetic dermopathy. This illness is a type of skin condition that emerge on specific body parts, such as the legs. It is also known by other terms like pigmented pretibial patches or shin spots.

During a diagnosis with diabetes, patients are educated about the probable complications that they might experience along the way. However, these complications can only happen if the treatment is not properly followed by the patient. Moreover, if the blood sugar levels are not managed appropriately, different health complications, like diabetic dermopathy, can possibly occur. That is also one of the reasons why following the prescription is always a must.


In knowing how the condition occurs, there is no accurate explanation regarding its case. Although considered a typical health complication because of its link with diabetes, the condition cannot be tagged by increasing levels of blood glucose.

Here are the possible causes that experts have theorized:

  • When diabetic individuals obtain a leg injury, its trauma can have a severe impact on the skin, enable spots to appear.
  • When the main condition (diabetes) is not properly treated, poor blood circulation can happen. When this occurs, some body parts become incapable of healing wounds. Should wounds do not recover as quickly as possible, spots can appear.
  • Any damage involving the nerves and blood vessels can be triggering factors of diabetic dermopathy.

While all these factors have a medical basis, they are still presumptions and theories. Today, there are still a lot of studies regarding skin conditions and how people can better manage them.

Diabetic Dermopathy Symptoms

With regards to the number of cases recorded today involving this condition, one can say that the symptoms are all the same. However, this is not true. It is common that no two people can have the warnings and signs of illnesses. To give you a list of these symptoms, consider the following:

  • A burning sensation
  • Appearance of brownish spots
  • Brown patches
  • Numbing feeling
  • Itchiness on the legs
  • Skin lesions
  • Increasing number of spots

You cannot get this condition since it is not communicable. Worry no more if you have associated yourself with someone who has the illness. However, for those who are having problems with their blood sugar, it is still necessary to stay healthy.


When you visit your healthcare professional, the first thing that he/she does is perform a full physical exam. The purpose of this examination is to know which part of the body has diabetic dermopathy aside from the legs. Other than that, it gives the healthcare professional an idea of how big the treatment to be administered should be given.

Furthermore, to ensure that the healthcare professional will reach a full and concrete diagnosis, a biopsy may be needed to perform. It involves taking a small sample of the infected skin and have it analyzed. When the result comes back positive of the condition, that’s where the medication will start.

Risk Factors and Complications

There is no specific risk factor or complication involving diabetic dermopathy. Since it’s not contagious, it can easily be treated. However, note that this condition can also be a sign of a probable diabetes acquisition. It means that if an individual with this condition was not diagnosed with diabetes before, problems involving the blood sugar level may already be happening. To address this concern, the healthcare professional may need to do some assessments.

Treatment and Prevention

While other infections involve using antiretroviral drugs as a treatment source, people who acquire diabetic dermopathy do not have major medical treatment. It means that the only way to treat and make these spots disappear is by taking your medications for diabetes with full care.

There are also tips to better manage the condition. One of these tips includes applying moisturizer to cover and conceal the display of shin spots. It doesn’t just helps the skin to stay moisturized or rejuvenated, it also protects the dermis from these patches.

Furthermore, in preventing this medical condition, it is necessary that diabetics protect their legs, from which diabetic dermopathy usually develops. That is why diabetics are usually told to always wear long socks to protect their legs from any virus or illness that can affect them.

Always observe a regular visitation to your healthcare professional to know how your condition improves. In doing so, you will know how to better manage the medical condition you are experiencing now. Live healthily by only consuming nutritious food. You can also prevent other health complications by exercising regularly, following a daily meal plan, and maintaining the normal levels of your blood glucose.

Doctor’s Recommendation

If someone with diabetes notices spots on their legs, they should see a doctor right away. Diabetic dermopathy is often diagnosed based on its appearance, so a biopsy is usually not needed. However, if a doctor suspects another skin condition, they may recommend a biopsy. Additional tests might also be suggested to check blood sugar control and assess any tissue damage. If you experience signs of uncontrolled diabetes, like increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, or slow healing wounds, it’s important to consult a doctor immediately for proper evaluation and treatment.