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Is It Likely for Type 2 Diabetes to Become Type 1?

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One of the many misconceptions about diabetes mellitus is that type 2 diabetes can turn into type 1. While type 1 and type 2 have common features, this development is not valid. Type 2 diabetes can never become type 1. One thing to always remember about diabetes is that the other type cannot transform into another form.

Insulin is the main treatment administered to people with type 2 diabetes. This explains the assumption that type 1 diabetes can happen. This occurrence is unlikely to occur. Despite the similarities of their symptoms and treatment options, type 2 can’t become an autoimmune disease.

Differences between type 1 and type 2

Just because these types share the same symptoms doesn’t mean they are co-related. Both type 1 and type 2 have distinct mechanisms making them separate diseases.

Besides the abnormality in blood sugar, type 1 diabetes is also recognized as an autoimmune illness. It means that the body’s immune system erroneously attacks its organ-producing insulin. In terms of age group, younger individuals are more prone to having this condition. People with type 1 diabetes are prescribed insulin medications, which greatly help to control blood sugar levels.

Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes usually happens in adults. Besides insulin medications, there are oral medicines that people with this condition take. This condition is more common than type 1; however, it is not an autoimmune disease. It develops because the body is not capable of using insulin properly or there isn’t an adequate supply of insulin to balance the levels of blood glucose.

It is also necessary to note that age is not only the factor why both of these conditions develop. Today, there are already cases of type 1 diabetes, that involves older people. Some of the risk factors associated with both types may include weight, lifestyle, and genetic circumstances.

How are these conditions diagnosed?

As mentioned, type 2 diabetes is impossible to turn into type 1. However, a separate diagnosis involving these types is possible.

Later, an individual living with type 2 diabetes can also receive a type 1 diagnosis. The body’s immune system may have already malfunctioned during this stage, resulting in an autoimmune infection.

Besides the presence of symptoms, several blood tests need to be carried out involving the blood glucose to obtain a concrete diagnosis. One of these tests may include a C-peptide test, which can determine the type of diabetes a person is already having. It also measures the insulin production from which if a subdued result comes out, type 1 diabetes can be diagnosed.


Regardless of the type of diabetes, keep in mind that one will not transform into another. Thankfully, insulin medications are available to administer the proper medical treatment.

Seek medical attention should you experience some of the symptoms associated with both types. Ask your doctor about your condition and obtain a clear diagnosis to start your treatment. Finally, manage your diabetes by following the necessary steps for a full recovery and better health status.

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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on December 15, 2021

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