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Micronase Vs. Diabeta

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Similarities and differences between Diabeta vs Micronase


Micronase and Diabeta both belong to a class of diabetes medications known as sulfonylureas.  Both medications contain glyburide and are indicated to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with type II diabetes. Additionally, both drugs supposedly exert their pharmacological action by promoting the pancreatic release of insulin. Besides this, they are also allegedly able to enhance the renal clearance of free water, thereby producing diuresis.


Despite having the same active ingredient and dosage, the 2 medications cannot be substituted for each other. This is because they are not therapeutically equivalent. In fact, Diabeta has been given a BX rating by the FDA, meaning that it must be presumed not to be therapeutically equivalent to other drugs, unless proven otherwise.

Micronase and generic glyburide can be substituted for each other if the generic glyburide is in a non-micronized form. In contrast, there is no generic counterpart to Diabeta. While there is no evidence to verify that Diabeta is inequivalent to generic glyburide, there is also no sufficient data to prove otherwise. The exact cause for the therapeutic inequivalence between Micronase

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this community article are strictly for informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. This article, and other community articles, are not written or reviewed for medical validity by Canadian Insulin or its staff. All views and opinions expressed by the contributing authors are not endorsed by Canadian Insulin. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.
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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on April 20, 2022

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