Symptoms of high blood sugar in non diabetics. Also termed hyperglycemia, high blood sugar is a condition common in people with diabetes. It increases someone’s risk for infections and other health problems, such as heart attack and stroke. Although measures are available to prevent further diabetes complications, using insulin and oral medications are still the best options to treat the condition.

Hyperglycemia does not only occur in people with diabetes. In fact, the condition can also affect those without diabetes. Below is the list of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar in non-diabetics.

Increased thirst – Although it is normal to feel thirsty after eating or exhausting physical exercise, the condition can be referred to as hyperglycemia if your thirst is more excessive than usual. When high blood sugar occurs, the body tries to get rid of increased sugar in the blood. This process makes your system crave more water, which is also connected to another symptom known as frequent urination.

Frequent urination – During episodes of hyperglycemia, the body forces the kidneys to work harder in keeping the balance of glucose levels. If the kidneys cannot meet this demand, they will try to flush the glucose out of the body in the form of urine. This results in frequent urination, which also leaves you thirsty.

Blurry vision – When blood sugar levels spike, the lens inside your eyes absorb water and starts swelling. This causes blurry vision along with other eye problems. Often, blurry vision occurs with mild to severe headaches.

Fatigue – Fatigue is a term that describes an overall feeling of weakness or tiredness. It is usually a bodily reaction if a certain medical condition exists throughout the body. This sensation is one of the most common symptoms of hyperglycemia.

Nausea and vomiting – Nausea refers to a sensation of discomfort in the stomach accompanied by a vomiting sensation. When blood sugar level rises, the body’s metabolism gets interrupted and confused, leading to nausea. Although nausea and vomiting are primarily gastric problems, these are also connected to hyperglycemia.

Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar can happen to anyone and cause other health complications. But how can you better prevent hyperglycemia? Several measures are available, such as:

  • Exercising
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Having a balanced and healthy diet
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Regular blood sugar testing