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Exercise Tips to Manage Diabetes

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Are you looking for a smart way to manage your diabetes? While taking your diabetes medication is already a good measure to manage this disease, it won’t hurt if you try applying the law of exercise as part of your recovery. As a matter of fact, exercising is an effective habit of taking charge of diabetes. It has its benefits, and we’ll tackle it here. But in order to achieve good results, you must still follow certain precautions from your medical provider, including the dos and don’ts during the treatment period.

Here are some exercise tips to successfully manage your diabetes:

  1. Get clearance from your doctor

Before proceeding to the gym or planning your workout routine at home, getting cleared by your doctor is a must. Medical advice is still necessary, given the condition you are in right now. Consult the doctor of your plans and obtain a green light first to avoid complications while working out.

  1. Start small

After obtaining clearance from your doctor, make sure to plan out your daily exercise. For someone who is not greatly involved with work-outs, start small. You can do so by doing a 10-minute exercise a day, including walking, jogging, or even biking. You can increase gradually in the new few weeks and add more time to these exercises.

  1. Always check your blood sugar levels

Checking your blood sugar levels before and after the exercise is highly advisable. Working out on any range of intensity can cause your sugar level to drop. Frequent checking will help you get notified if you need a snack to normalize your sugar level. It would also help if you carry with you juices, sports drinks, or any carb snack that back up your sugar levels.

  1. Be active and know when to stop

Even if you are not working out in a day, you can still burn extra calories by doing little things. You can walk around for a few minutes but don’t sit long enough. You can also do household chores to sweat and stay active for a day. Should symptoms of diabetes poke you at any time during your exercise, stop what you’re doing immediately. If you feel dizzy and experiences shortness of breath, your blood sugar levels may be too high or too low. Rest and eat a snack to get better blood sugar levels.

  1. Take extra good care of your body

For someone who has diabetes, keep a good eye on your feet. Taking care of your body starts with checking your feet before and after the exercise. Clean your feet daily and check if there are blisters, bumps, or sores. When working out, always wear a pair of clean socks and only use athletic shoes. Furthermore, staying hydrated is highly recommended. Drink clean water before, during, and after a workout, or even when you’re not thirsty.

  1. Be consistent

Consistency is key. To fully fight diabetes and minimize its negative effects on the body, patients must be consistent in doing their exercises and routines. For example, not missing an exercise 2 days in a row is a big NO. Be consistent with your exercise plan.

Health Benefits of Exercise in Managing Diabetes

  • Lowers the body’s blood pressure
  • Eliminates bad cholesterol
  • Increases good cholesterol
  • Improves blood flow in all parts of the body
  • Fewer chances of getting heart disease and stroke
  • Subdues mind and body stress
  • Boosts energy
  • Improves blood sugar levels
  • Burns extra fat and calories

Disclaimer: Please note that the contents of this community article are strictly for informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. This article, and other community articles, are not written or reviewed for medical validity by Canadian Insulin or its staff. All views and opinions expressed by the contributing authors are not endorsed by Canadian Insulin. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on January 29, 2021

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