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Hypoglycemic Shock (Diabetic Shock): Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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What is Hypoglycemic Shock?

Also known as diabetic shock, the occurrence of hypoglycemia is described as the drop of blood sugar state into severely low levels. Although not considered as a medical term, this identification explains the state where the body’s blood glucose levels abnormally deteriorate, thus, the development of hypoglycemia. This is a condition that diabetic individuals experience if their illness is not addressed immediately.

Hypoglycemia is easily diagnosed because of its noticeable symptoms. Some of these include mild to severe headaches, drowsiness, recurrent sweating, dizziness, anxiety, and lots of shakiness. If you happen to experience any of these amidst your diabetes diagnosis, you should obtain immediate medical attention. Failing to do so can cause a diabetic coma.

This condition is opposite to hyperglycemia. Compared to hypoglycemia, the medical condition hyperglycemia involves too much supply or stock of blood sugar levels within the body. Just like hypoglycemia, it can also lead to different medical complications and illnesses. Without proper treatment and management of diabetes, these conditions can cause other diseases.

Since we will be focusing more on hypoglycemia, you will know the signs and symptoms of this condition. We will also be tackling the factors that cause this illness, as well as the complications associated with it. Furthermore, at the end of the article, you will know the immediate treatment available should you encounter such a condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetic Shock

The signs of illnesses linked with hypoglycemia are somewhat similar to diabetes, as the condition is merely caused by its preceding illness. Additionally, the condition hypoglycemia can also be classified by different symptoms, noted that these symptoms are varied from mild to severe. Consider the following:

Most Common – These are the most common signs of illnesses that individuals with hypoglycemia can experience:

  • Recurrent sweating (even if you are not doing anything)
  • Itchy or tickle in any part of the body
  • A dull sound near the heart
  • A mental disorder, such as anxiety
  • Concentration problems
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Confusion
  • Numbness of any part of the body
  • Dizziness and drowsiness
  • Poor vision or defective eyesight

Aside from these symptoms, you must also know that hypoglycemia can go severe. This occurs when there is no medical care administered. When the condition complicates, hostile symptoms develop. These are as follows:

  • Severe headache
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Extreme thirst and hunger
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive sweating
  • Severe nausea
  • Recurrent vomiting
  • Seizures or convulsion

Note: Hypoglycemia can cause a diabetic coma. To avoid this dilemma, make sure that you are receiving the proper treatment. Also, it is necessary that you report these symptoms to your healthcare professional.

What Are the Causes of This Condition?

Technically, insulin consumption is one of the major causes of hypoglycemia, most especially if there is too much intake of this hormone. As what you’ve known already, insulin is prescribed and used if the body’s levels of blood glucose increase drastically. It works by decreasing the high levels of blood sugar; however, if too much is used, it can also lead to hypoglycemia.

Aside from the irresponsible use of insulin, the lifestyle of diabetes individuals also significantly influences hypoglycemia to happen. Some of these lifestyle factors include skipping meals, starvation or fasting, consuming too much alcohol, irresponsible use of diabetes medications, and even age.

Additionally, the emergence of different health complications can cause hypoglycemia to happen. Some of these health complications include kidney and liver disease. Furthermore, those who have been diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes are also expected to experience low blood sugar levels.

Diabetic Shock Complications

When you are diagnosed with hypoglycemia, you should take this condition seriously. Why is this so? Aside from the possibility of acquiring liver and kidney infection, this condition can lead to sudden death. Note that having extremely low blood glucose levels can be fatal. That is why obtaining the necessary medical treatment is always a must.

Other complications of this condition may include episodes of seizures or convulsion. Other than that, the person can become unconscious because of the state of the blood glucose. It can also be tagged as a diabetic coma. To avoid this condition, the afflicted individual must not ingest foods that can contribute to the condition, such as foods with too much sugar.


In treating this condition, an afflicted individual must be keen on the symptoms that he or she has already been experiencing. The first and go-to treatment for this medical illness is increasing the levels of blood sugar in the body, which means that ingesting sugary and sweet snacks is recommended.

To give you a more detailed treatment for hypoglycemia, a certain hormonal shot known as glucagon is administered. This injectable treatment helps in retrieving the needed state of the blood glucose. However, if the condition worsens, hospitalization may already be required.


There are different ways to prevent the onset of hypoglycemia. One of these ways is using insulin properly and not abusing your daily insulin shots. Additionally, the prevention also includes changing your lifestyle, which is considered as a factor in the lowering status of blood glucose.

Here are some ways to prevent hypoglycemia:

  • Regular monitoring of the blood glucose levels
  • Controlling sugar intake
  • Following the right medication
  • Eating on time
  • Avoiding starvation
  • Regular exercise adjacent to the right medication

If you fail to follow these preventive measures, you will experience hypoglycemia. Follow your healthcare professional’s instructions and stay healthy as much as possible.


Note that untreated hypoglycemia can lead to different health complications, or worse, death. Take the necessary safety measures and precautions to ensure that you will not suffer the hostile effects of hypoglycemia. Additionally, you must also be keen on your lifestyle and work hard to keep normal blood sugar levels. Furthermore, always communicate with your healthcare professional to make sure that you are doing the right thing in keeping yourself healthy. Report to your attending physician immediately if you happen to experience the severe symptoms of hypoglycemia mentioned above.

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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on October 20, 2021

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