What is Tresiba?

It is a long-acting insulin drug that takes several hours before it starts to work in the body after an injection. Tresiba contains an active ingredient known as insulin degludec that works similarly to the natural insulin produced in the body. Insulin degludec can be used to treat patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

What is Lantus?

It is an injectable insulin that is taken once daily to reduce a high level of blood sugar. Lantus, which is also known as insulin glargine, can be used alone or prescribed with other diabetes medicines. Patients with type 1 diabetes can take this insulin medication with a short-acting insulin. In case you have type 2 diabetes, you can take Lantus with oral diabetes drugs.

Similarities and differences between Lantus and Tresiba


Tresiba and Lantus come as injectable solutions that are supposed to be administered using a syringe or pen. Both medications should be injected under the skin once every day. To reduce the chance of missing a dose, make sure you take your insulin at the same time every day. Both drugs are long-acting insulins that are used to treat patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. That means when you inject Tresiba or Lantus, they take several before they start to work in the body. Unlike short-acting insulins, long-acting insulins, such as Tresiba and Lantus, don’t peak, but they work to control blood glucose levels for a longer period of time. Your doctor may prescribe short-acting insulin in combination with either Tresiba or Lantus. If this is the case, make sure you inject long-acting and short-acting insulins separately.

Tresiba vs Lantus Differences

Both medications are long-acting insulins that steadily control blood sugar levels for long periods of time. However, Tresiba takes the longest amount of time compared to any other long-acting insulin. Lantus can last up to 24 hours, while Tresiba can last up to 42 hours. When it comes to cost, Tresiba, which was released in 2016, costs almost twice the price of Lantus that was released in 2000. As well, the most common side effects for each drug is slightly different. Tresiba can commonly cause diarrhea, fever, and body aches. On the other hand, Lantus can cause anxiety, confusion, or blurred vision.



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