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What is Cloudy Insulin?

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Insulin is administered to help in stabilizing the levels of blood sugar the body. This peptide hormone is utilized in preventing the surge of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It has many types, and all of them are proven to be very effective in lessening the condition of diabetic people. While this hormone is efficient in treating or maintaining the normal levels of blood glucose, it can also be spoiled if left stored for a long time.

So, what is cloudy insulin? How do you know if one insulin dose is still usable and not? What is the basis if the insulin needs to be thrown away?

After several weeks in storage, the insulin can get cloudy. This change usually occurs if the insulin is put in a place where the warm temperature is high. Other than being stored for many days or weeks, the said hormone can also go bad if an individual shakes the insulin bottle. It explains the reason why the American Diabetes Association (ADA) advises those who take insulin to avoid carrying the bottle in their pockets. It only shakes the bottle, and eventually, the solution gets cloudy and ineffective.

How to properly store your insulin dose?

  • Keep your insulin in a place where there is no heat and motion. Storing it inside the refrigerator is a smart approach.
  • Aside from the refrigerator, you can also store it inside the cupboard, where it can stay out of children’s reach.
  • If you should take your insulin with you all day while outside your house, put it inside the briefcase or backpack where there is less motion and to avoid the insulin from shaking.

Note that if you notice that your insulin supply has turned cloudy, throw it already. It also means that your available insulin dosage is not effective anymore in preventing the surge or increase of the blood glucose.

Types of Insulin

Currently, there are major insulin groups available in the market. These groups are as follows:

  • Fast-acting insulin
  • Intermediate-acting insulin
  • Long-acting insulin

Depending on the condition, you will get any of the types of insulin. During treatment or maintenance, it is necessary that you always observe your dose of insulin. If the insulin is expensive, there are government-run programs that you can apply and have your monthly free dose of insulin. Again, if the insulin has turned cloudy, do not use it and throw it already.

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Written by CDI Staff WriterOur internal team are experts in many subjects. on September 7, 2021

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